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The third age is a stage of human development in which the greatest number of changes must be faced. These may have implications for the quality of life and motivation of the elderly.

Casa de retiro en México para adultos mayores independientes


The third age is a stage of human development in which we face a lot of changes. These can have implications on the quality of life and motivation of the elderly. For this reason, all our activities are for their social and recreational needs in stimulating and safe environments. These activities allow them to embrace their creativity, maintain a high sense of self-esteem, foster friendship and interpersonal relationships, maintain psychomotor and cognitive skills, and promote well-being and personal satisfaction.



This class allows you to express your emotions and talent through painting in different techniques such as German napkin...


Tai Chi courses

Tai Chi is a therapeutic exercise of Chinese origin with smooth and fluid movements where breathing is a fundamental part...


Taller de Lectura

A cualquier edad, la lectura enriquece la imaginación y el intelecto...

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